I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.
Tandem t:slim is my choice.. I find that how hard you try each day is a different day. This pump is one of the best solution. I believe that diabetes type 1 can be cured but more money is made on not having cure?
One of my biggest problem is that EMS , doctors, nurses are never trained on what to do in emergency situations with a person wearing a pump! They never have been trained! I think Tandem and Medtronic should put out training for any medical personnel.
Our life is not normal at all, but I do the best I can and am thankful for what ever help we are given.
Customer Service people at Tandem and Medtronic are absolutely wonderful and helpful! Most are T1D themselves!
I can’t even imagine what life would be without the pump!
I have been on the Medtronic Minimed System for almost 20 years. I like the new 780G system but have problems with the sensors. I've had to have them replaced (which Medtronic does for free) many, many times. I'm going to try the T-slim and Dexcom systems as soon as my warranty runs out on this one.
In my case, use my smartphone for the controller. Best thing since insulin. I have all of my dex info on my phone, alerts etc. Always have my ;phone, never miss a prebolus, set my high alarm at 150, rarely see a BG of 200. Highest A1C since being on OP5 is 6.2%
One more note, I was on a Medtronic pump first. The pump worked well, but their CGMs did not. So, I ended up using the Medtronic pump with a Dexcom CGM, which work much better. When my warranty was up on the pump, I decided to switch to Tandem so the pump and CGM would communicate with each other.
Hello, I have used the G6 with both the tslim x2 and omnipod. Both are great choices. My choice would be the omnipod though, no tubes to get caught on everything and you don't have to worry about where you are going to put your pump with different outfits.
I Will Be Meeting With My New Endocrinologist Next Week. I Want To Ask Him If I Can Get On The Omnipod 5. Is Anyone On A Pump? Pros & Cons?
Insulin Pumps
I Am Interested In The OmniPod, I Would Like To Know About People's Experiences With It.