What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Type 1 Diabetes?
The only thing that truly touched my soul on this journey so far is “take this disease one day at a time”. You’re not always eat “good” or have good numbers but you can always start new the next day. It really helped me care for my daughter without worrying about what’s going to happen next week
Never forget that diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is not caused by hyperglycemia. It is caused by the lack of enough insulin in the bloodstream. If you choose to avoid eating for some reason and think that means you shouldn't take insulin, you are putting yourself at risk. People can, and DO develop DKA when the blood glucose is in a normal range. Don't think what you are feeling can't be DKA. It may very well be. Use a ketostick to check yourself and get help if necessary.
You have a choice. You can either not pay attention to your blood sugar, letting it run high and end up with complications in the future, or you can choose to keep your blood sugar in range and live a long, healthy life.
Learn as much as you can, do the best you can within rules, diet n meds, see doc regularly. Accept your reality and move on with a good, positive attitude. It is n will be tough but it is what it is n you can't roll back to "BEFORE".
My daughter Rae has been on the Omnipod for about 7 years. It was great all that time but I decided it was time for new and improved technology. We are in the middle of switching to Tandem Mobi. We haven’t started it yet but the reviews I’ve read have been amazing. Rae is only 13 yrs old, was diagnosed at 2, and she has become insulin resistant already along with having PCOS and hyperthyroidism. She is considered a brittle diabetic so she needed a newer model. The Control IQ technology of the Tandem is supposed to be superior to the others out there. We’re going to give the Mobi a try and hope for the best. Rae is a little hesitant to start over after all these years with a new pump but I assured her this is a positive move. 🙏 Now let’s hope I’m right.
Carbs Per Meal For Type 1 Diabetic Child
Has Anybody Had Their Diabetes Affect Their Ability To Do Their Jobs?
I'm On UHC Exchange And Fl State Medicaid. But Coverage Is Very Limited Especially For CGMs And Insulin Pumps. Any Suggestions?