Do Anyone With Type 1 For Over 50 Years Have More Low Blood Sugars And Use Less Insulin?
Yes, people with type 1 diabetes for over 50 years may experience more frequent low blood sugars and use less insulin. This can be due to changes in insulin requirements, reduced food intake, or other age-related factors. It's important to adjust insulin doses and monitor blood sugar levels closely. For more details, visit Show Full Answer
Thanks for the answer. I always ate the same things for breakfast, lunch and dinners just rotating them. I have reduced my insulin and always have some carbs with me. Just wondered why it happen.
How Do You Surpass The Overnight Lows In Order To Get A Full Night's Sleep?
Question: For Your Type 1 Diagnosis, Does Anyone Take Anything Other Than Insulin? If So, What Do You Take?
Has Anyone Had A Dangerously Low (41) A Half-hour After Eating? I Ate 2 Small Breaded Chicken Patties And A Lot Of French Fries.